Transition moments beyond the electric-dipole approximation: Visualization and basis set requirements
Martin van Horn, Nanna Holmgaard List, Trond Saue
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 184103 (2023)
Martin van Horn, Nanna Holmgaard List, Trond Saue
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 184103 (2023)
Kazuma will be doing a project course in the group.
On March 16, Pratip presented his work at the MolVisDay 2023 in the dome theater in the visualization center C in Norrköping. Thank you Pratip and thanks to the organizers for a great event!
Check out our new preprint on femtosecond electronic and hydrogen structural dynamics in ammonia imaged with ultrafast electron diffraction
Check our new preprint on basis set convergence of transition moments with the full semi-classical light-matter interaction.
Had the great pleasure to present at the Spectroscopy and Dynamics Group Meeting 2023, Durham. Due to unfortunate flight delays, I was unable to attend in person but enjoyed to participate online. Thanks much to the organizers for a great meeting!
We warmly welcome you to visit the official website for the full schedule. 6-10 February 2023, Albanova, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
Benjamin joins as a master student. He will be working on understanding mechanistic details of selected photoactive proteins.
Back in Stockholm following a great visit at CFEL-DESY! Thanks to the Santra group for the invitation and exciting discussions!
Athea joins as a chemistry project student.