The Team

Nanna Holmgaard List

Principal Investigator

Nanna Holmgaard List is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology since September 2021. She holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry (University of Southern Denmark, 2010), a M. Sc. in Interdisciplinary Science Studies (University of Southern Denmark, 2012) and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry (University of Southern Denmark, 2016). Previous to joining KTH, she was a VILLUM postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University (2017-2021). Nanna’s research interests lie at the intersection of chemistry, biology, molecular physics and computer science.

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Pratip Chakraborty


Pratip Chakraborty received a dual Bachelors and Masters degree in 2015 with a major in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, and a Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry in 2020 from Temple University, Philadelphia. Pratip was a postdoctoral associate at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, before joining KTH. His previous research ranges from investigating gas phase nonadiabatic dynamics of excited state chemical processes to understanding the molecular-level picture of interfaces relevant to Saturnian Moon Titan. Pratip is always interested in exploring new avenues in theoretical and computational chemistry, and will be working on developing and using theoretical tools for simulating multidimensional spectroscopies.

ORCID, Google Scholar

Rafael Couto


Rafael Couto received a Bachelors (2011) and Masters (2013) in Chemistry from the Federal University of Goias, Brazil. In 2016, he was awarded a double-degree PhD in the Theoretical Chemistry from both Federal University of Goias (Brazil) and Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). With postdoctoral positions at KTH, Uppsala University and Stockholm 
University, his research was related to electronic structure calculations and quantum wave packet dynamics to model x-ray spectroscopy and non-adiabatic wave packet dynamics in polaritonic photochemistry. Currently, Rafael’s research is focused in the development on techniques for non-adiabatic dynamics of complex molecular systems. 

ORCID, Google Scholar

Martin van Horn


Martin van Horn received a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Chemistry from the University of Amsterdam and VU University of Amsterdam. He pursued a PhD degree in the group of Prof. Trond Saue at Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier on the topic “The Validity of the Electric-Dipole Approximation in the Simulation of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy”. He joined KTH as a postdoc in January 2024 where he investigates the effects of spin-orbit on dynamics near conical intersections. 


Athea Leiler Thomas

Master student

Athea is pursuing a MSc degree in Molecular Science and Technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Her interests lie primarily within theoretical and computational chemistry. She is currently working on a project on modeling the initial preparation of molecular systems upon interacting with light.

Benjamin Fégeant

Master student

Benjamin Fégeant started his studies at the Degree Programme of Engineering Chemistry at KTH in 2018. Through the Degree Programme he holds a B.Sc. in technology and is currently studying his second year of the Master Programme Molecular Science and Engineering. He has a deep interest in theoretical and computational chemistry, and combining them in order to understand chemical processes. He enjoys being challenged with new problems that help him expand his knowledge not only in chemistry, but any scientific subject.

Kazuma Uemura

Exchange master student

Kazuma Uemura is an exchange student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology from Nagoya University. His primary interests lie in the light-matter interaction with the multi-configuration theory. He is currently working on a project on the advanced treatment of light in the light-matter interaction framework

Emelie Svensson

Master Intern

Emelie Svensson started her studies at the Degree Programme of Engineering Chemistry at KTH in 2018. Through the Degree Programme she hold a B.Sc. in technology and is currently studying her first year of the Master Programme Molecular Science and Engineering. Her interests lies within theoretical and analytical chemistry, and she enjoys challenges to broaden and deepen her knowledge, both within chemistry and other subjects. 

Lovisa Cajselius

Bachelor student

Lovisa Cajselius is a bachelor student in Biotechnology at KTH. She is currently conducting her bachelor project on investigating the excited-state deactivation mechanisms in bi-thiophene-vinylene-benzothiazole (bTVBT4) ligand for amyloid tau detection.

Linnéa Otterheim

Bachelor student

Linnéa Otterheim is a bachelor student in Biotechnology at KTH. She is currently conducting her bachelor project on investigating the excited-state deactivation mechanisms in bi-thiophene-vinylene-benzothiazole (bTVBT4) ligand for amyloid tau detection.